GLOBE Connections

GLOBE Biosphere Protocols & Related ESDE Datasets

My NASA Data Biosphere Icon

My NASA Data features resources for GLOBE protocols that provide connections to NASA datasets in the Earth System Data Explorer, as well as background information for the protocol, student data sheets, and related learning activities. For more information on GLOBE or Biosphere protocols see the resources at the bottom of the page. It is important to note that a particular protocol may support more than one phenomenon and may support phenomena from different spheres. To see how individual protocols relate to a particular phenomenon, you can visit the GLOBE Connection for that phenomenon (i.e., Phytoplankton Distribution, Plant Growth Patterns, Deforestation, etc.)

Related Earth System Data Explorer datasets: 

The datasets in My NASA Data's Earth System Data Explorer which supplement exploration of each protocol are also indicated. These supplemental datasets may measure the same variable or related variables, and they may have a different temporal scale. Specific research questions may also have additional supporting datasets which can be explored. All data available through My NASA Data can be found on the Data Collections: Earth System Data Explorer page. 

Explore the MND GLOBE Connections Datasets spreadsheet to review the range of Biosphere datasets in the Earth System Data Explorer by visiting this link.  

list of biosphere datasets

The GLOBE Biosphere protocols related to phenomena or datasets supported by My NASA Data (MND) are outlined below. Under each protocol, there is a list of related Earth System Data Explorer datasets.


These datasets describe the chlorophyll concentration in oceans, the amount of leaves present at each location on the map and an index that indicates the health of plants on the Earth's surface.

  • Monthly Chlorophyll Concentration
  • Monthly Leaf Area Index
  • Monthly Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

Carbon Cycle

These datasets measure CO and COin the atmosphere. 

  • Monthly Air Column Concentration of CO
  • Monthly Concentration of CO2 in Troposphere

Fire Fuel

These datasets describe the land cover classifications, amount of leaves present at each location on the map and an index which indicates the health of plants on Earth's surface.

  • Monthly Leaf Area Index
  • Monthly Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

Green Up/Green Down

These datasets describe the amount of leaves present at each location on the map and an index that indicates the health of plants on Earth's surface.

  • Monthly Chlorophyll Concentration
  • Monthly Leaf Area Index
  • Monthly Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

GLOBE Biosphere Protocol Information

GLOBE Biosphere protocols can be found on the GLOBE website. Each GLOBE protocol page will have information for the protocol, data sheets, and related learning activities. Online e-Training is available

GLOBE Protocol Bundles

Protocol bundles are designed to use related protocols from different spheres to investigate different topics. The following protocol bundles include at least one biosphere protocol. The GLOBE protocol bundles can be found on the GLOBE website.

Visit the following links to explore the Earth System Data Explorer datasets that may be used to support students who are exploring their communities using the GLOBE protocol bundles.