Data Collections: Earth System Data Explorer

Data Collections: Earth System Data Explorer

The My NASA Data visualization tool, Earth System Data Explorer (ESDE), helps learners visualize complex Earth System data sets over space and time. Below, datasets are organized by Earth System sphere, science variable, dataset name, and start/end dates. Click on the Dataset Name to go directly to this variable on the ESDE. There you will find a description of this variable, the units in which they are measured, and the NASA (or other) mission in which they are collected. Please note that these collections are continuously updated. If you don't see what you are looking for, contact us at

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For complete data citation information please visit the Earth System Data Explorer Data Citations page.



Category Dataset Name Start Date End Date
Aerosols Monthly Aerosol Optical Depth 03/2000 02/2022
Aerosols Monthly Air Column Concentration of NO2 10/2004 07/2023
Aerosols Monthly Air Column Concentration of SO2 10/2004 07/2023
Air Quality Daily Precipitation Amount 06/01/2000 04/26/2024
Air Quality Monthly Aerosol Optical Depth 03/2000 02/2022
Air Quality Monthly Air Column Concentration of NO2 10/2004 07/2023
Air Quality Monthly Air Column Concentration of Ozone 10/2004 07/2023
Air Quality Monthly Air Column Concentration of SO2 10/2004 07/2023
Air Quality Monthly Precipitation Anomaly (combined sources) 01/2000 09/2023
Air Quality Monthly Precipitation Rate (combined sources) 01/2979 03/2024
Air Quality Monthly Precipitation Rate (satellite observed) 06/2000 09/2021
Air Quality Monthly Tropospheric Concentration of CO2 09/2002 10/2022
Albedo Monthly Albedo Measured From Space 03/2000 03/2022
Atmospheric Chemistry Monthly Aerosol Optical Depth 03/2000 02/2022
Atmospheric Chemistry Monthly Air Column Concentration of NO2 10/2004 07/2023
Atmospheric Chemistry Monthly Air Column Concentration of Ozone 10/2004 07/2023
Atmospheric Chemistry Monthly Air Column Concentration of SO2 10/2004 07/2023
Atmospheric Chemistry Monthly Lower Tropospheric Concentration of CH4 09/2002 04/2024
Atmospheric Chemistry Monthly Lower Tropospheric Concentration of CO 09/2002 03/2022
Atmospheric Chemistry Monthly Tropospheric Concentration of CO2 09/2002 10/2022
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - CNRM Model - Scenario 1 (Sustainability) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - CNRM Model - Scenario 2 (Middle of the Road) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - CNRM Model - Scenario 3 (Regional Rivalry) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - CNRM Model - Scenario 4 (Inequality) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - CNRM Model - Scenario 5 (Fossil-Fueled Development) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - IPSL Model -      Scenario 1 (Sustainability) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - IPSL Model -      Scenario 2 (Middle of the Road) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - IPSL Model -     Scenario 3 (Regional Rivalry) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - IPSL Model -      Scenario 4 (Inequality) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - IPSL Model -      Scenario 5 (Fossil-Fueled Development) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - MIROC6 Model - Scenario 1 (Sustainability) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - MIROC6 Model - Scenario 2 (Middle of the Road) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - MIROC6 Model - Scenario 3 (Regional Rivalry) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - MIROC6 Model - Scenario 4 (Inequality) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - MIROC6 Model - Scenario 5 (Fossil-Fueled Development) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - MRI Model -         Scenario 1 (Sustainability) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - MRI Model -         Scenario 2 (Middle of the Road) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - MRI Model -         Scenario 3 (Regional Rivalry) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - MRI Model -         Scenario 4 (Inequality) 2020 2099
Climate Models Yearly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - MRI Model -         Scenario 5 (Fossil-Fueled Development) 2020 2099
Cloud Cover Daily High Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Cloud Cover Daily Low Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Cloud Cover Daily Middle Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Cloud Cover Daily Total Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Cloud Cover Monthly Low Cloud Coverage 03/2000 05/2023
Cloud Cover Monthly Middle Cloud Coverage 03/2000 04/2024
Cloud Cover Monthly Total Cloud Coverage 03/2000 05/2023
Greenhouse Gases Monthly Air Column Concentration of Ozone 10/2004 07/2023
Greenhouse Gases Monthly Tropospheric Concentration of CO2 09/2002 10/2022
Greenhouse Gases Monthly Water Vapor in the Atmosphere 09/2002 06/2022
Longwave and Shortwave Radiation at the Earth's Surface Monthly Flow of Energy into Surface by Shortwave Radiation 03/2000 06/2023
Net Atmospheric Radiation Monthly Net Flow of Energy towards Earth
by Longwave and Shortwave Radiation with Clouds
03/2000 02/2022
Precipitation and Water Vapor Daily Precipitation Amount 06/01/2000 04/26/2024
Precipitation and Water Vapor Monthly Precipitation Anomaly (Combined Sources) 01/2000 09/2023
Precipitation and Water Vapor Monthly Precipitation Rate (combined Sources) 01/1979 03/2024
Precipitation and Water Vapor Monthly Precipitation Rate (satellite Observed) 06/2000 09/2021
Precipitation and Water Vapor Monthly Water Vapor in the Atmosphere 09/2002 06/2022
Temperature Daily Surface Air Temperature 1/1/1980 03/01/2024
Temperature Monthly Surface Air Temperature 01/1980 02/2024
Temperature Monthly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly 01/1980 03/2024
Urban Heat Island Daily High Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Urban Heat Island Daily Low Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Urban Heat Island Daily Middle Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Urban Heat Island Daily Total Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Urban Heat Island Monthly Low Cloud Coverage 03/2000 05/2023
Urban Heat Island Monthly Middle Cloud Coverage 03/2000  
Urban Heat Island Monthly Total Cloud Coverage 03/2000 05/2023
Urban Heat Island Monthly Daytime Surface (skin) Temperature 02/2000 03/2024
Urban Heat Island Monthly Nighttime Surface (skin) Temperature 02/2000 03/2024
Urban Heat Island Monthly Surface Air Temperature 01/1980 02/2024



Category Dataset Name Start Date End Date
Phytoplankton    Monthly Chlorophyll Concentration 01/2012           06/2024        
Phytoplankton Monthly Flow of Energy into Surface by Shortwave Radiation                 03/2000 06/2023
Plant Growth Patterns  Monthly Leaf Area Index 01/2021 11/2021
Plant Growth Patterns Monthly Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 02/2000 03/2024
Vegetation Monthly Chlorophyll Concentration 01/2021 06/2022
Vegetation Monthly Leaf Area Index 01/2001 11/2021
Vegetation Monthly Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 02/2000 03/2024



Category Dataset Name Start Date End Date
Albedo Measured at the Surface   Monthly Albedo Measured at the Surface   03/2000 02/2022
Changes in Snow and Ice Extent Monthly Snow and Ice Percent Coverage  03/2000 02/2022
Sea Ice Extent Monthly Sea Ice Extent (Northern Hemisphere) 01/1979 12/2023



Category Dataset Name Start Date End Date
Albedo Measured at the Surface   Monthly Albedo Measured at the Surface   03/2000 02/2022
Skin Temperature Monthly Daytime Surface (Skin) Temperature 02/2000 03/2024
Skin Temperature Monthly Nighttime Surface (Skin) Temperature 02/2000 03/2024
Soil Moisture Monthly Mean Soil Moisture 01/1948 05/2024
Urban Heat Island Daily High Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Urban Heat Island Daily Low Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Urban Heat Island Daily Middle Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Urban Heat Island Daily Total Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Urban Heat Island Monthly Low Cloud Coverage 03/2000 05/2023
Urban Heat Island Monthly Total Cloud Coverage 03/2000 05/2023
Urban Heat Island Monthly Daytime Surface (skin) Temperature 02/2000 03/2024
Urban Heat Island Monthly Nighttime Surface (skin) Temperature 02/2000 03/2024
Urban Heat Island Monthly Surface Air Temperature 01/1980 02/2024



Category Dataset Name Start Date End Date
El Niño Southern Oscillation Daily Surface Air Temperature 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
El Niño Southern Oscillation Daily Precipitation Amount 06/01/2000 04/26/2024
El Niño Southern Oscillation Daily Mean Sea Surface Temperature 09/01/1981 04/24/2024
El Niño Southern Oscillation Monthly Precipitation Anomaly (Combined Sources) 01/2000 09/2023
El Niño Southern Oscillation Monthly Precipitation Rate (combined Sources) 01/1979 03/2024
El Niño Southern Oscillation Monthly Precipitation Rate (satellite Observed) 06/2000 09/2021
El Niño Southern Oscillation Monthly Sea Level (Sea Surface Height) Anomaly  01/1997 04/2022
El Niño Southern Oscillation Monthly Sea Surface Salinity 04/2015 06/2022
El Niño Southern Oscillation Monthly Surface Air Temperature 01/1980 02/2024
Precipitation Daily Precipitation Amount 06/01/2000 04/26/2024
Precipitation Monthly Precipitation Anomaly (Combined Sources) 01/2000 09/2023
Precipitation Monthly Precipitation Rate (Combined Sources) 01/1979 03/2024
Precipitation Monthly Precipitation Rate (Satellite Observed) 06/2000 09/2021
Sea Level Rise Monthly Sea Level (Sea Surface Height) Anomaly  01/1997 04/2022
Sea Surface Properties Daily Mean Sea Surface Temperature 09/01/1981 04/24/2024
Sea Surface Properties Daily Sea Surface Temperature (2005-2014) 01/2005 12/31/2014
Sea Surface Properties Monthly Mean Sea Surface Temperature 12/1981 09/2021
Sea Surface Properties Monthly Mean Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly 09/1981 04/2024
Sea Surface Properties Monthly Sea Level (Sea Surface Height) Anomaly  01/1997 04/2022
Sea Surface Properties Monthly Sea Surface Salinity 04/2015 06/2022


  • On May 26, 2021, Sea Level (Sea Surface Height) Anomaly was updated and now features data from a different source.  Data for some years may have slightly different values when compared to the previous version, especially at any time after 2012.  

Earth as a System

Earth As A System

Science Variable Dataset Name Start Date End Date
Air Quality Daily Precipitation Amount 06/01/2000 04/26/2024
Air Quality Monthly Aerosol Optical Depth 03/2000 02/2022
Air Quality Monthly Air Column Concentration of NO2 10/2004 07/2023
Air Quality      Monthly Air Column Concentration of Ozone 10/2004 07/2023
Air Quality Monthly Air Column Concentration of SO2 10/2004 07/2023
Air Quality Monthly Precipitation Anomaly (combined sources) 01/2000 09/2023
Air Quality Monthly Precipitation Rate (combined sources) 01/2979 03/2024
Air Quality Monthly Precipitation Rate (satellite observed) 06/2000 09/2021
Air Quality Monthly Tropospheric Concentration of CO2 09/2002 10/2022
Earth's Energy Budget Monthly Albedo Measured from Space 03/2000 03/2022
Earth's Energy Budget Monthly Flow of Energy into Surface by Shortwave Radiation 03/2000 06/2023
Earth's Energy Budget Monthly Net Flow of Energy towards Earth
by Longwave and Shortwave Radiation with Clouds
03/2000 02/2022
Earth's Energy Budget Monthly Mean Sea Surface Temperature 12/1981 09/2021
Earth's Energy Budget Monthly Total Cloud Coverage 03/2000 05/2023
Earth's Energy Budget Monthly Water Vapor in the Atmosphere 09/2002 06/2022
El Niño Southern Oscillation Daily Surface Air Temperature 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
El Niño Southern Oscillation Daily Precipitation Amount 06/01/2000 04/26/2024
El Niño Southern Oscillation Daily Mean Sea Surface Temperature 09/01/1981 04/24/2024
El Niño Southern Oscillation Monthly Precipitation Anomaly (Combined Sources) 01/2000 09/2023
El Niño Southern Oscillation Monthly Precipitation Rate (combined Sources) 01/1979 03/2024
El Niño Southern Oscillation Monthly Precipitation Rate (satellite Observed) 06/2000 09/2021
El Niño Southern Oscillation Monthly Sea Level (Sea Surface Height) Anomaly  01/1997 04/2022
El Niño Southern Oscillation Monthly Sea Surface Salinity 04/2015 06/2022
El Niño Southern Oscillation Monthly Surface Air Temperature 01/1980 02/2024
Extreme Heat Daily Precipitation Amount 06/01/2000 04/26/2024
Extreme Heat Monthly Albedo Measured at the Surface 03/2000 02/2022
Extreme Heat Monthly Leaf Area Index 01/2001 11/2021
Extreme Heat Monthly Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 01/2001 11/2021
Extreme Heat Monthly Precipitation Anomaly (Combined Sources) 01/2000 09/2023
Extreme Heat Monthly Precipitation Rate (Combined Sources) 01/1979 03/2024
Extreme Heat Monthly Precipitation Rate (Satellite Observed) 06/2000 09/2021
Extreme Heat Monthly Surface Air Temperature Anomaly 01/1980 03/2024
Extreme Heat Monthly Surface Air Temperature 01/1980 02/2024
Extreme Heat Monthly Daytime Surface (Skin) Temperature 02/2000 03/2024
Extreme Heat Monthly Nighttime Surface (Skin) Temperature 02/2000 03/2024
Sea Level Change Monthly Sea Level (Sea Surface Height) Anomaly   01/1997 04/2022
Urban Heat Island Daily High Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Urban Heat Island Daily Low Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Urban Heat Island Daily Middle Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Urban Heat Island Daily Total Cloud Coverage 01/01/1980 03/01/2024
Urban Heat Island Monthly Low Cloud Coverage 03/2000 05/2023
Urban Heat Island Monthly Middle Cloud Coverage 03/2000 04/2024
Urban Heat Island Monthly Total Cloud Coverage 03/2000 05/2023
Urban Heat Island Monthly Daytime Surface (skin) Temperature 02/2000 03/2024
Urban Heat Island Monthly Nighttime Surface (skin) Temperature 02/2000 03/2024
Urban Heat Island Monthly Surface Air Temperature 01/1980 02/2024


  • Atmosphere

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