Meet Our Partners
My NASA Data is supported, through partnership, with the following projects:
GLOBE Mission Earth (GME)
GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME) is a project to embed NASA assets matched to GLOBE into the curricula of schools along the K-12 continuum to meet NASA’s science education objectives. Mission EARTH brings together scientists and science educators to develop a K-12 “Earth as a system” curriculum progression. Our partners include Boston University, Tennessee State University, University of Berkeley/WestEd, and NASA Langley Research Center. This grant offers a few of the following opportunities:
- To develop and test curricular materials to support a vertically integrated K-12 learning progression that fuses NASA learning assets with GLOBE activities to teach Earth as a system
- To participate in educational professional development that results in teachers’ use of NASA and GLOBE learning and teaching assets
- To engage schools in using NASA/GLOBE learning and teaching assets.
- To promote STEM career development through linkages to sciences, real-world application, and project-based science.
Science Activation (SciAct)
The Science Activation team is made up of partnerships from both formal and informal organizations working together to provide an infrastructure from which NASA science experts bring content into the learning environment for learners of all ages. Working with representatives from Earth science, heliophysics, planetary science and astrophysics all members of the Science Activation group are working together to provide enhanced learning in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) content areas using NASA's unique capabilities and content.