Locating Data & Imagery for Student Investigations
Are you searching for NASA data examples to include in your instruction or student research?
The Quick Start Guide lists examples of NASA datasets and imagery that could be used for student investigations related to content and practices in the Framework for K-12 Science Education. This Guide is part of an educators toolkit that features resources for grades K-12 that can support and frame student investigations with NASA data and content. Check out the toolkit and samplers for elementary, middle, and high school at https://www.strategies.org/education/educators-toolkit/.
The NASA Earth Science data visualization tools featured here include:
- My NASA Data's Earth System Data Explorer
- The GLOBE Program
- Precipitation Measurement Missions
- Worldview
- Giovanni
- ESRI Change Matters Viewer
- Google Earth Engine Time Lapses
For additional information and to link to the resources below, go to the interactive table.
Mapping Our World
NASA satellites have been mapping Earth for over 40 years. These global observations of the atmosphere, biosphere, land surface, solid Earth, and ocean enable an improved understanding of the Earth as an integrated system. This interactive visualization and poster allow you to explore data sets from over a dozen NASA Earth science missions for 25 unique views of our world. The images feature data from over a dozen Earth observation missions.