The Earth System Satellite Images help students observe and analyze global Earth and environmental data, understand the relationship among different environmental variables, and explore how the data change seasonally and over longer timescales.
List of all Biosphere Data Resources
NASA visualizers take data – numbers, codes – and turn them into animations people can see and quickly understand.
The Quick Start Guide lists examples of NASA datasets and imagery that could be used for student investigations related to content and practices in the Framework for K-12 Science Education.
Do you need instructions for how to use data from the Earth System Data Explorer in Microsoft Excel? Visit this link to access a step-by-step guide.
Do you need tools to help using the Earth System Data Explorer? MND offers several ways to learn more about how to use this data visualization tool.
Explore a variety of NASA resources.
NASA Earth Observations (NEO) strives to make global satellite imagery as accessible as possible. Here you can browse and download imagery of satellite data from NASA's constellation of Earth Observing Sy
This graphic organizer may be used to help students analyze the processes and components of Earth System phenomena.
NASA Worldview is a free online visualization tool that is a great launchpad for learners who are new (or veteran) users of satellite data.