Within the science education community, there is a shift in focus from content driven instruction to that of the processes and practices associated with the acquisition of scientific knowledge.
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Within the science education community, there is a shift in focus from content-driven instruction to that of the processes and practices associated with the acquisition of scientific knowledge.
Are you searching for resources to use with your students related to Science and Engineering Practices? Review these graphics that will help to hone students' attention to the specific practices in science and how they relate to investigating, sense-making, and critiquing of data.
Tips for engaging students in research projects.
A key practice of successful scientists and engineers is the ability to clearly communicate the ideas and methods they develop. Being able to review and critique the ideas of others are fundamental activities of professional STEM professionals.
Argumentation is an important practice whereas the scientist develops explanations using evidence and reasoning to explain observed phenomena.
Science educators strive to engage students in authentic investigations that have students analyze data in order to derive meaning. MND provides unlimited opportunities to engage students in data analysis using Earth System data.
Scientists and engineers use and develop models for representing ideas and explanations.
An important scientific practice is the asking and refining of questions that lead to rich descriptions, explanations, and reasoning of how the natural and designed world works, as well as those investigations of variables that can be empirically tested.
The products of science are explanations and the products of engineering are solutions.