Students develop and test a hypothesis about how albedo affects temperature.
Educational Resources - Search Tool
Students watch a video explaining albedo and its impact on Earth. The video shows visualizations of albedo across Earth and how it can change. Students will interpret the images in the video and answer questions about albedo.
Students watch a video introducing the concept of albedo and answer questions.
Students explore positive feedback effects of changing albedo from melting Arctic sea ice.
Students evaluate graphs and images of sea ice and relate them to changes in albedo. Students make a claim about the interaction of albedo and sea ice extent.
This lesson contains a card sort activity that challenges students to predict relative albedo values of common surfaces.
Students explore albedo, sea ice, and the relationship between changing albedo and changing sea ice using data visualizations.
Students will watch a short video that explains albedo and how it plays an important role in Earth’s Energy Budget. Applying what they learned from the video, students will analyze a bar graph that lists the albedos of common surfaces found on Earth to answer critical thinking questions.
Students will make a claim about whether changing albedo contributes to changes in Arctic habitats.
Students connect day/night and seasonal cycles with albedo in the Arctic region.