Educational Resources - Search Tool

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Grade Level: 6-8, 9-12

Students will investigate the role of clouds and their contribution (if any) to global warming. Working in cooperative groups, students will make a claim about the future role clouds will play in Earth’s Energy Budget if temperatures continue to increase.

Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

This story map lesson plan allows students to explore global phytoplankton distribution using chlorophyll concentration data in a 5 E-learning cycle. Students will investigate the processes that allow phytoplankton populations to thrive, as well as how their role in the carbon cycle impacts the other spheres of the Earth System. 

Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Teachers, are you looking for resources to help you engage students in data analysis related to Global Phytoplankton Distribution?

Check out the monthly 2018 images featuring two science variables related to Phytoplankton Distribution: Chlorophyll Concentration (milligrams per cubic meter) Monthly Flow of Energy into Surface by Shortwave Radiation (watts per square meter)


facet arrow Grade Band

facet arrow Supported NGSS Performance Expectations

facet arrow Supported Common Core Math