GLOBE Connections

Elementary GLOBE - Atmosphere

Elementary GLOBE Characters

As elementary students explore phenomena in My NASA Data, these additional Elementary GLOBE resources will help deepen their understanding. Elementary GLOBE is designed to introduce students in grades K-4 to the study of Earth system science. Therefore, storybooks may align with more than one sphere in My NASA Data and GLOBE.  Note: The storybooks should not be used as leveled readers.

Each module of Elementary GLOBE includes:

  • A science-based fictional storybook in which kids explore an aspect of the Earth system using their science skills.
  • Three learning activities that further explore the science content while helping students develop science and engineering practices.
  • Teacher’s notes and a glossary to give educators basic science background information pertaining to each module topic.

The Teacher Implementation Guide provides an overview of Elementary GLOBE, the connections that the curriculum makes to literacy, the use of science journals, elementary science inquiry, standards alignment, and connections to other parts of the elementary curriculum.

Translated versions: GLOBE makes every effort to provide translations of our materials in the official U. N. languages. Currently, Elementary GLOBE materials are available in Arabic, English, French, German, Norwegian, and Spanish. Click on the language below to access the translated Elementary GLOBE materials. Please note that not all storybooks and activities have been translated. If you would like to add your language to this list, please contact us at for information about how to get approval to create materials in other languages.

Air Quality

In this storybook, the GLOBE Kids investigate colors in the sky and learn how air pollution affects sky color and our health. Learning activities engage students in describing sky color and conditions in the atmosphere, creating a model to learn how sky color and visibility are affected by aerosols, using prisms to explore properties of light and colors, and collecting aerosol samples.

An interactive version of the Why (Not) So Blue activity is available in My NASA Data. It is called Sky Color and Visibility.

Elementary GLOBE - What's Up in the Atmosphere? Exploring Colors in the Sky

Learn about the Elementary GLOBE Storybook: What Up with the Atmosphere? Exploring Colors in the Sky - and its activities you can do in the classroom.


This storybook follows the GLOBE Kids as they take an adventure and learn that climate change affects the whole world, from the tropics to the poles. Through learning activities, students explore how the weather over a long period of time describes climate, investigate how sea-level rise affects coastal communities and environments, and describe how humans are contributing to climate change and how we can take action to solve this problem.

An interactive version of Weather Adds up to Climate is available in My NASA Data. It is called Interactive Weather Observations.



In this book, descriptions of cloud types are combined with analogies related to cloud shapes and are acted out by the GLOBE Kids. Activities give students the opportunity to describe the shape and appearance of cumulus clouds and learn the types of weather that are associated with cumulus clouds. They identify cloud types using cloud classification names and explore the three types of contrails.

An interactive My NASA Data activity that supports clouds is Modeling Cloud Cover

Elementary GLOBE - Do You Know that Clouds Have Names?

Earth System

This storybook follows the GLOBE Kids as they prepare to perform a play about the parts of the Earth system. However, the GLOBE Kids argue about which part is most important and should have the lead role in the play. Activities help students experiment with what plants need in terms of water, sunlight, and soil, explain how the Earth’s processes and components are interconnected, and demonstrate their knowledge of how water, air, soil, and living things interact in the Earth system.

Elementary GLOBE - All About Earth Our World on Stage


In this story, the GLOBE Kids wonder why hummingbirds have stopped visiting their school. They learn about the needs of the hummingbirds, the seasonal changes where they live, and the environment where the hummingbirds spend the winter. Through learning activities, students describe the seasonal changes in a local habitat, observe how colors in nature change through the seasons, and research hummingbirds.

Elementary GLOBE - The Mystery of the Missing Humingbirds

Source: Elementary GLOBE