GLOBE Connections

GLOBE Hydrosphere - Additional Resources

GLOBE Hydrosphere

The GLOBE resources on this page will support exploration of My NASA Data phenomena. These include campaigns, eTraining and how to find related student projects. 


For online eTraining on GLOBE atmosphere protocols which can be used to explore atmosphere phenomena, visit the HydrosphereTraining page.

Introduction to Hydrosphere - This introductory module introduces GLOBE’s hydrosphere investigation area. Learn why it is important to document and monitor the hydrosphere. You will be introduced to the different GLOBE protocols used to collect hydrosphere data. Step by step instructions for documenting a hydrosphere study site are outlined, as well as the steps you need to follow to report a new hydrosphere study site to the GLOBE database using GLOBE’s mobile data app.

In order to enter data for a protocol, you will need to complete the Introduction to Atmosphere module and the protocol module. In addition, there may be supporting protocols required. 

The GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project

GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention
Source: GLOBE Website

The GLOBE Implementation Office is pleased to announce a new initiative in partnership with the United States Department of State. The GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention project will be pushing the edge of citizen science impact, aiming to enlist thousands of students, teachers, and community leaders to collect data on mosquitos for a global mapping project. Source: GLOBE Website


GLOBE campaigns are a great way to explore different phenomena. Students have the opportunity to use GLOBE protocols and submit data in conjunction with students around the world. These data will contribute to the goals of the campaign in addition to facilitating student learning.


Mission Mosquito

GLOBE Mission Mosquito
Source: GLOBE Website

This new field campaign engages citizen scientists of all ages in monitoring changes in the frequency, range and distribution of potential disease vector mosquitoes. Observations are reported using the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper mobile app. These data can be analyzed to explore a variety of research questions. The human health connection of this campaign engages a new and broader audience by providing opportunities for citizen scientists to contribute to NASA science, while helping their local communities.

ENSO Field Campaign

The links below provide information regarding previous ENSO field campaigns. The campaigns have ended, but there is a lot of valuable information available.

Science of El Nino



Student Projects

Find student projects related to the phenomenon you are exploring. These projects can be used as background research for younger students, or as models for student projects. There is a search filter available to find the projects you would be most interested in seeing. Students can also submit their own reports on the same page.

GLOBE Student Research Report Filter Screen
Source: (GLOBE Website)

You can filter on the following:

  • Year
  • Region/Country
  • Grade Level
  • Protocol - all GLOBE protocols are available
  • Report Type - The report type options are different forums available for students to submit their work. 

There are also mechanisms for students to participate in the International Virtual Science Symposium and Student Research Symposia.